Ortho-K for Myopia Control: Slowing Down Nearsightedness Progression

The American Academy of Ophthalmology states that myopia is a common ocular problem. Many eye doctors find the increasing number of myopia cases alarming. But studies show that the progression of this eye issue can slow down. Ortho-K lenses can make this possible. Here are the details:


The Need to Control Myopia Progression


Statistics show that nearsightedness is becoming a public health issue. Projections estimate that about five billion people will deal with myopia by 2050. That is why many eye doctors are working with contact lens manufacturers. They are creating new contact lenses for myopia management and control.

Myopia progression happens because of behavior and genetics. Research reveals that spending a little time outdoors can help prevent the worsening of myopia. Some serious eye conditions, such as glaucoma and retinal detachment, may occur more frequently in people with myopia. That is why slowing down the worsening of myopia can lower your risk of developing these eye conditions.


Ortho-K Can Treat Myopia Progression


Ortho-K lenses are gas-permeable contacts that you should wear while sleeping. You must remove them the following morning. By then, you will enjoy clear vision without corrective lenses. The temporary change in your cornea’s shape can correct mild to moderate astigmatism and myopia. Ortho-K lenses trigger myopic defocus along the vertical and horizontal crests. This even increases the myopic defocus and reduces the hyperopic blur. This prevents the eyes from growing, which then stops myopia progression.

These custom-fit lenses are specialty lenses that adults can also use. Studies show that ortho-k lenses can reduce axial elongation by 50% in kids. This is possible by inducing hyperopic defocus on the sides of your retina. The treatment is effective within one to two years of treatment for six- to eight-year-old kids. In other studies, ortho-k lenses are even more effective when you receive low-dose atropine drops while wearing them.


Benefits of Ortho-K Lenses


Advancements in technology are helping manufacturers come up with precise eye care products. Clinics can make 3D models of your eye surface. New technology also improves lens materials. Here are the benefits that you can get from wearing the latest ortho-k lenses:

  • It is favorable for people who do not like wearing corrective lenses during the day.
  • You enjoy clear vision while performing daytime activities.
  • The process is temporary. Your vision will become myopic again if you stop wearing ortho-k lenses in a few weeks.
  • These lenses can prevent dry eye symptoms from developing.
  • Slowing down myopia is possible with these lenses because ortho-k lenses can prevent the eyes from elongating.
  • Ortho-K lenses can work for almost every myopia patient. There are no age restrictions at all. Playing contact sports and going on adventures is possible for kids, teens, and adults with these lenses.
  • Most patients who wear these lenses during the first night report having better vision the following day.

Slowing down myopia is possible by using ortho-k lenses. At Vision Eye Max, LLC, we provide high-quality vision care products and services to patients of all ages. You can visit our facility in Katy, Texas, for a one-on-one consultation. Please call 281-502-8900 to set up an appointment or ask about our myopia treatment packages.

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